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An Encyclopedia of 200 Virtuous Qualities of Prophet Muhammad
Posted by Abu.Iyaad on Sunday, January 31, 2016 and filed under Articles

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An Encyclopedia of 200 Virtuous Qualities of Prophet Muhammad

The full title of this work in Arabic is (موسوعة نضرة النعيم في أخلاق الرسول الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم), "The Encylopedia of Splendid Felicity Pertaining to the Ethics of the Noble Messenger (peace be upon him)". Consisting of 12 volumes, it outlines the praiseworthy ethics, morals, manners and behaviours enjoined by the Qur'an and manifested by the Prophet of Islam. It provides textual evidences for each quality from the Qur'an, Prophetic traditions and statements of the Righteous Predecessors.

Allaah, the Most High, said, "There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allaah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allaah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allaah often". (33:21). That Muhammad is the most remembered, most impactful, most influential man on Earth and in history is acknowledged by many prominent non-Muslim academics and figures.

Here is a short list of some of the qualities discussed:

  1. Showing benevolence
  2. Sincerity
  3. Refinement in behaviour
  4. Being upright
  5. Rectifying the affairs
  6. Reflecting
  7. Acknowledging the favours, excellence of others
  8. Spreading abundant salutations of peace
  9. Eating from the wholesome and pure
  10. Trustworthiness, fulfilling one's trust
  11. Justice in dealings
  12. Spending upon others
  13. Being penitent
  14. Righteousness, benevolence, kindness to one's parents
  15. Having a good countenance
  16. Insight and perspicacity
  17. Weeping out of humility and piety
  18. Pondering deeply
  19. Remembrance of death
  20. Cooperating upon righteousness and piety
  21. Venerating that which is sacred and inviolable
  22. Piety
  23. Recitation of the Qur'an
  24. Humility
  25. Repentance
  26. Pure monotheism in belief, speech and deed
  27. Reliance
  28. Adopting the ways and means
  29. Generosity
  30. Good manners
  31. Reflective silence
  32. Excellent behaviour and dealings with one's family
  33. Guarding chastity
  34. Forbearance
  35. Modesty, shyness
  36. Invocation
  37. Frequent remembrance of Allah
  38. Manhood
  39. Showing mercy
  40. Gentleness
  41. Charity
  42. Abstinence from the world
  43. Serenity
  44. Concealing (the mistakes of others)
  45. Bravery
  46. Gratitude
  47. Patience
  48. Truthfulness
  49. Abundant prayer
  50. Maintaining family ties
  51. Guarding one's tongue (from indecent, immoral, unbefitting, harmful speech)
  52. Fasting
  53. Maintaining bodily cleanliness and purity
  54. Firm determination and resolve
  55. Proceeding upon knowledge
  56. Lofty intentions and objectives
  57. Being diligent
  58. Visiting the sick
  59. Astuteness
  60. Comprehension
  61. Nobility
  62. Looking after the orphan
  63. Struggling against one's soul
  64. Accounting one's soul
  65. Giving sincere advice
  66. Being organised
  67. Having certainty

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